Frequently Asked Questions

This page is here to help you with all the nitty gritty nudesoul details. But don’t believe me, I’m just the voice activated dictation robot. Believe the company when they answer all of your skin care queries and order questions with this comprehensive FAQ and tip megabase.

Your Order

Can I track my order?
How long does it take my order to arrive?
Depends on where you live. The shipping estimates below will give you an idea of when you should expect your order so you can plan celebrations accordingly. (Don’t forget to get us tagged!)

West Malaysia: Typically 2-3 business days. However, due to COVID-19, orders may take up to a week.

East Malaysia: Typically 3-5 business days. However, due to COVID-19, orders may take up to two weeks.

All other international customers: Typically 10-14 business days. However, due to COVID-19, orders may take up to four weeks.

Can I change or cancel my order once I’ve placed it?

If you want to change your order please email with your order details as soon as possible and we will try and help, however our warehouse elves may have already sent it out. (They can’t help it! They love to be efficient! It’s not their fault!)

Unfortunately once the order has been shipped, it’s yours.

Purchasing & Shipping

Can I buy nudesoul in any shops?
No. We currently do not collaborating with any skin care related store or shops yet (Sorry).

Will you ship to me internationally?
Of course! We’d LOVE to! Our Malaysian Warehouse ships everywhere. Orders usually take 10-14 days to arrive, and make neighbours very jealous.

How do it contact nudesoul?
If you have internet & an email, please write to us

Can I order by telephone?
No. Sorry. We have arrogantly elected to be a 100% online business.

What if an item is out of stock?
You will be alerted that we’re out when you try to buy it, OR if we run out after you’ve already placed your order we will apologise profusely and then offer you the option of waiting until it’s back in stock, another product or a refund.

What payment methods does accept?
Visa, Mastercard, American Express. Other than these, local payment gateway like Grabpay, Touch N’ Go, Favepay etc can be accepted.

Is it safe to use my credit card on
Absolutely. We securely encrypt your data using a Comodo 128-bit security certificate to ensure your details and life savings are 101% safe-as, always. You can find out more about the certificate we use to encrypt your data by clicking on the padlock icon in your browser when accessing a secure page.

Returns & Refunds

Don’t like that you got?
We offer a 30-day money back guarantee on all products from the time of purchase.

Click here for all the gloriously dull return details.

Skin care Concerns

If I have teenage skin, what are the best nudesoul products for me?
All are fine..

If I have mature skin, what are the best nudesoul products for me?
All of them! That’s what we do and they’re nourishing enough, and we all need antioxidants and moisturiser and exfoliation. We especially recommend using our Perfecting Skin, at least once a day, for quite frankly, obscene levels of hydration and radiance.

Product & Ingredients

Is nudesoul tested on animals?
No. Nudesoul is completely cruelty free.

Where are nudesoul products made?
We’re an Malaysian-owned company who create all of our products in Malaysia. They are then made in Malaysia.

Who develops nudesoul products?
We’re currently collaborating with a group of dermatologists in Japan (well known for organic skin care). So, it’s formulated in Japan.

How can I find out when my nudesoul expires?
Give your products a back rub and they will tell you. If that doesn’t work, you will find a best before date printed on all nudesoul products.

As general guide: The shelf life for an unopened Perfecting Skin is three years from when they were manufactured.

Press & Media

How can I let nudesoul know I am quite the fan?
Come play with us on social media. We are @nudesoulskincare on Facebook, Instagram. (We get to see your cute photos if you tag us #nudesoulskincare)